Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Have a Dream >> Chrysallis

The 'dream' of a free world. A world with no barriers, - no distinction of race, status or ability. A world without bondage to narrow perceptions and limited visions. For we are all born free and have a right to live free in a world overflowing with unconditional love and tender acceptance.

I know I am not as able as you are - or as perfect as you might be. My body does not follow a perfect pattern but my spirit soars in a perfect flight.

My 'dream' is to walk with you, to be touched by your humanity and see in your eyes how much I mean to you because I am as much a part of your world as you are mine.

P.S: I know this can motivate many of the readers. That's the vision and thought
Chrysallis spread accorss.I am really proud to be a part of this great group who
has a strong vision to make the life of challenged kids better.
Wanna make a difference ? See here


Priya said...

hey.. this is in reply to ur comment in my blog.. dint really intend to get some1 to tears through the post :) but if u really did am amazed ;)

Anonymous said...

hey...good show with chrysalis...would try and get involved once i learn to manage my time better...