Saturday, August 05, 2006

Can smile,but where'z my penny

"Would you be happier if you were richer?"

Many believes so.But people are commin with lotza fundas either to back this or to deny it.But recently couple of researchers at Princeton University came up with a beautiful case study proving that people,especilly in the middle level and enjoy more than so called "Millioners & Millioners ++".Some of their other studies reveals that people in poorer countries like Brazil,Colombia and Philippines apper to be happier than people in US of America and UK.Most of the case studies target american communities,and they found that Americans in the middle-income range today have a level of happiness that is almost identical to Well-Off Americans.

People with higher incomes spent more time in activities that are associated with negetive feelings,such as tensions or stress.90% of their time goes into calculations and planning shortcuts on how to gain more.Where as the other category spends more time into leisure and family.

Why do so many of us strive to obtain more money,if it won't make us happer ?

Perhaps the answer lies in our nature as purposive beings.We evolved from beings who had to work had to feed themselves,find a mate,and raise children.Think about the nomadic societies,there was no point in owning anything that one could not carry,but whrn humans settled down and developed a system of money,that limit to acquisition disapperred.Accumulating money upto a certain amount provides a safeguard against lean times.But now it has taken a dirty different phase by which people measure one's success by the amount of wealth one sits in.,which is defenitely bad.Finally we end up in missing all in-born talents,but picking up billionaire who found there way in Forbes list with all cut short methods.

Courtesy : Researchers/Prof at Princeton University
Copyright: Project Syndicate


~*. D E E P A .* ~ said...
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~*. D E E P A .* ~ said...

and there was also an article where they said the richer the parents , the more the children suffer

planetregin said...

Hi Arun!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. You have some pretty good stuff here! Am really impressed and am happy to meet you. Keep up the great work!

God Bless!

planetregin said...

Just had a look at ur pics... Good yaar. Loved the oxymorons. Will surely catch ya for some tips. Just brought my first cam 3 months back...

Arun Pillai said...

Thanks for the comments. Btw which cam you bought recently . Keep me posted if you take any new snaps .